Sunday, August 8, 2010

How Graboids Work

Check out this cool “educational” video by creator Frank Robnik explaining the biology of the creatures from the movie Tremors. I would absolutely love to see more of these Monstrous Wildlife videos!

Monstrous Wildlife from Frank Robnik on Vimeo.


R.Sterling Carody said...

One of the all time great, but very underrated, monster movies! The basement scene with Reba was my money's worth right there!

Rich said...

I FINALLY got to watch this! So much fun. I wish some television producer would see this and pick up the concept.
The closet thing I am aware of on TV was The Future is Wild (which I've never actually gotten to see)

Bunche (pop culture ronin) said...

That was excellent, and I hope he's serious about the promised film on the Giant Claw.