I hate hectic work weeks. I was all set to give everyone a nice, advanced alert about Turner Classic Movies' Thursday night lineup of classic, atomic-era monster movies running all month... and then promptly forgot about it. What ended up jogging my memory was turning on the television about an hour ago and coming across the last fifteen minutes of the original 1954 Godzilla. Sigh.
If you’re an insomniac or can record your television programs, you can still check out the remainder of tonight’s line-up, including an early morning (2:45 am- ugh!) showing of Dinosaurus!- the stop-motion dinosaur movie that answers the age-old question: what wins in a fight between a Tyrannosaurus Rex and a steam shovel?
Here’s the list of what’s playing for the rest of the month:
June 9
8:00 PM - Them! 1954
9:45 PM - The Cosmic Monsters 1958
11:15 PM - Tarantula 1955
12:45 AM - The Black Scorpion 1957
2:30 AM - The Giant Claw 1957
4:00 AM - The Wasp Woman 1959
June 16
Giant People
8:00 PM - Attack of the 50 Foot Woman 1958
9:30 PM - Village of the Giants 1965
Ladies of Sci-Fi
11:00 PM - Queen of Outer Space 1958
12:30 AM - Mars Needs Women 1968
Mutant Men
2:00 AM - The Cyclops 1957
3.30 AM - The Manster 1962
June 23
Out of the Deep
8:00 PM - It Came From Beneath the Sea 1955
9:30 PM - The Monster that Challenged the World 1957
Appetite for Destruction
11:00 PM - The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms 1953
12:30 AM - The Giant Behemoth 1959
Monsters from the Sea
2:00 AM - The Phantom From 10,000 Leagues 1955
3:30 AM - Creature From the Haunted Sea 1961
June 30
8:00 PM - The Blob 1958
9:30 PM - The H-Man 1958
Radioactive Monsters
11:00 PM - The Magnetic Monster 1953
12:30 AM - X: The Unknown 1956
Killers from Space
2:00 AM - The Thing From Another World 1951
3:30 AM - It! The Terror From Beyond Space 1958
(a special thanks to Raf who first brought this to my attention)